Motiv of the PLAY17 – Creative Gaming Festival with the topic "Time" and the conceptual adaptations from timetable to online banner.
Concept, illustration, adaptation and design of motive: Tolke Weinhold, Matthias Löwe
In compliance with: Andreas Hedrich, Christiane Schwinge, Vera Marie Rodewald, Valentina Birke

The Timetable was designed to fit the topic, so time is in the center and also to include the massive offer of the festival program on a handy leaflet in a playful way.
Art direction, illustration, design: Tolke Weinhold
Festival coordinator: Andreas Hedrich, Christiane Schwinge, Vera Marie Rodewald
In compliance with: Valentina Birke, Christina Kutscher, Carina Steffen-Schwering

Art direction, illustration, design: Tolke Weinhold
Copywriter: Anna Postels
Festival coordinator: Andreas Hedrich, Christiane Schwinge, Vera Marie Rodewald
In compliance with: Valentina Birke, Christina Kutscher, Carina Steffen-Schwering, Claudia Meiners

Award sculpting with love to the nominees and winners. To stay in budget I made a a solution, that it can be sustainably reproduced every year.

Interieur design was mainly made on location with the things we have on hand and some materials we already planned to use. I briefed a small team about our main to dos, possibilities and materials, so we could spread out. Some learned design/ art and some had interest in design/ art. They were awesome.
Art Direction: Tolke Weinhold
Design: Lukas Engelhardt, Tanja Pfefferkorn