Fachtag Gaming in Bibliotheken
client: Hamburg University of Applied Sciences and Bücherhallen Hamburg
Fachtag Gaming in Bibliotheken is a format developed for educators or simply interested persons to meet, talk, interact and exchange their experience with education via games and about games. Especially the ComputerSpielSchule which builds a bridge between other narrative media and games and offers diverse workshops mainly for kids and other concepts with games (also for adults or parents) in public libraries in Germany.
I received a layout with a gameboy by students and the briefing to develop and produce a visual concept to transport the essence of this event.
Visual concept, design, art: Tolke Weinhold
Lead coordinator: Vera Marie Rodewald
Production: Katrin Joswig
Design, Craft, Collage
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PLAY17 – Creative Gaming Festival
client: Initiative Creative Gaming e.V.
The PLAY – Creative Gaming Festival is a cultural festival about different possibilities with, within and around Video Games. People of variety in age, culture, and game relation (some more and some don't usually play) come together at PLAY to play in the exhibition, create in Workshops, discuss in talks and celebrate different aspects of this medium.
It is important for this festival to reach out to a more diverse spectrum besides game enthusiasts and to include by that.
The PLAY17 was the 10th PLAY – Creative Gaming Festival. The birthday related topic was "The Time Is Now".
Graphic Design, Crafts, Illustration
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PLAY 16 – Creative Gaming Festival
client: Creative Gaming e.V.
The Play16 is a festival like any music festival, but with games. It is for people who like especially the innovative ones by independent developers or even for developers. This years motto was "Let's get physical. Game and body."
The games that were exhibited had something to do with the theme be it through the controller like virtual reality or games that contained the topic otherwise through the bodies in the game.
Also, there are workshops, talks and shows for diverse interests and ages, be it making, developing, philosophical, academical or just the plain, old, main point: playing.
I worked during and before the festival for them and helped with everything I could and know about Design, Illustration and crafting and learned a lot for myself. Now I can create concrete stands for displays. The festival was a lot of fun and a challenging experience.
Graphic Design, Crafts, Street Art
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Sennheiser D1 wireless microphone
An unpublished advertising idea for Sennheisers D1 wireless microphone in which a cable mourns because of the rough times of being replaced by new technology.
Client: Sennheiser
Agency: Philipp und Keuntje
Creative Director: Simon Jasper Philipp, Jan Krause
Copywriter: Philipp Platz
Art Direction: Tolke
Graphic Design, Advertising, Typography
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Sennheiser Christmas Card
For the christmas card 2014 Sennheiser wanted to have ideas based on their christmas charity for musical education. Here are some of the presented ideas.
Client: Sennheiser
Agency: Philipp und Keuntje
Creative Director: Simon Jasper Philipp
Copywriter: Tobias Schröder
Art Direction: Tolke
Illustration for the executed card: Juju's Delivery
Art Direction, Graphic Design, Advertising
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Sennheiser Momentum
From the beginning I took part in this international – mostly online – campaign for Sennheiser Momentum. My team partner and me worked at the strategy, ideas and took part in almost everything the campaign included especially the microsite. Even after the campaign ended the microsite was still a stage for christmas events and needed content management for new products in the Momentum product line. That was also my part. Now, here is short overview of the finals results of the campaign and designs. It was nominated for a nail by the german ADC in 2015 and won a mention. A lot of people worked at that including a lot of freelancers whose names I forgot. Write me if you notice and: I am sorry for my forgetfulness.
Client: Sennheiser
Agency: Philipp und Keuntje
Creative Director: Simon Jasper Philipp, Jan Krause, Sönke Schmidt, Philipp Wienberg, Mike John Otto
Copywriter: Lilian Das, Till Felber, Tobias Schröder
Art Direction: Nikolas Winkelmann
Junior Art Direction: Tolke, Lara Blackwood
Art Direction, Web Design, Advertising
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Audi – Weihnachtsmailing
Mailing and Booklet with ribbons and instructions for bows so that customers of Audi have no problem in giving their presents the last finesse.
Client: Audi
Agency: Philipp und Keuntje
Creative Direction: Sven Sorgatz, Simon Jasper Philipp
Junior Art Direction: Tolke, Lara Balckwood, Nikolas Winkelmann
Illustration: Tolke Weinhold
Copywriter: Lilian Das
Art Direction, Graphic Design, Illustration
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Audi unnützes Wissen
Im Sinne der Rubrik "Unnützes Wissen" es Magazines "Neon" hat Audi Anzeigen geschaltet mit Unnützem Wissen über die Auto Marke.
Client: Audi
Agency: Philipp und Keuntje
Creative Director: Simon Jasper Philipp
Art Direction: Tolke
Illustration: Tolke
Graphic Design, Illustration, Advertising
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Audi A1 quattro
A special catalogue issue for the limited edition of the Audi A1 quattro.
Client: Audi
Agency: Philipp und Keuntje
Creative Director: Sönke Schmidt
Junior Art Direction: Tolke
Copywriter: Anke Gröner
Photograph: Jan Steinhilber
Art Direction, Graphic Design, Advertising
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Loewe Connect ID – Connect to connect
The renowned german TV manifacturer "Loewe" responded to the anticipation of their customers while waiting for during the manifacturing for their own personalized TV. Every Connect ID is individually designed by the customer and got an own facebook profile for self-portrayal. We installed cameras that took photos and films of the process steps. The own creation taking form was step by step added to the timeline of each individual profile.
Client: Loewe
Agency: Philipp und Keuntje
Creative Director: Simon Jasper Philipp
Copywriter: Adrienne Tonner, Lilian Das
Art Direction: Tolke
Art Direction, Advertising
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Audi Sport Sponsoring
For the Audi Sport sponsoring we created a concept and guide lines. The rhombus of Audis sport line was used visually. It stands for dynamics and because sports is not just emotional but also dynamic, we included that symbol of their CI. We worked out a CI for collages with photography from a bit more extrem angles so that emotion is transported. The rhombus patterns go with flow of the main character.
Client: Audi
Agency: Philipp und Keuntje
Creative Director: Diether Kerner, Sönke Schmidt, Jan Krause, Sven Sorgatz
Art Director: Mario Zaradic
Junior Art Director: Tolke
Graphic Design, Advertising
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